A survey of 1420 centenarians! Only one thing in common, not diet, not exercise, but...

A survey of 1420 centenarians! Only one thing in common, not diet, not exercise, but...

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

the fourth list of birthday stars in Shandong Province was released not long ago. They have different diets, habits, and health-keeping methods.

in order to find out what they have in common, Sichuan Chengdu Aging Committee investigated 720 centenarians in the city.

American researchers have also conducted a three-year follow-up study on 700 centenarians, and finally, researchers in both China and foreign countries have found that

birthday stars have only one thing in common!


the only commonness of 1420 centenarians

is not diet, not exercise, but.

surprisingly, the only thing these birthday boys have in common is optimism! Optimism! Optimism!

Sichuan Chengdu Aging Committee also investigated 720 centenarians in the city. 89.17% of them were optimists, and their only commonness was their good mentality.

American researchers have followed 700 centenarians for three years and uncovered their longevity secrets:

cheerful personality

rarely worry

basically not angry

keep a calm attitude

Let's take a look at some real cases-

American researchers have followed 700 centenarians for three years and uncovered the secrets of their longevity:

cheerful personality

when asked about Zhang Cunhe's secret of longevity, his daughter Zhang Aizhi said, "he has a good mindset and is always tolerant of others."

Zhang Cunhe is optimistic and approachable all his life. although he is a hundred years old, he has a flexible mind and clear thinking, and age spots are rarely seen on his face, just like an old man in his 70s.

101-year-old Chen Tongshou also said that he was never angry and that there was nothing wrong with scholars. Chen Tongshou learned his optimism from books. "I read everything and often ask the younger generation to recommend a list of books."

in Chen Tongshou's view, optimistic old people even sleep sweetly, and if they think less, they will not lose sleep.

"I take a bath before going to bed every day, read a book to relax my body and mind, and then go to sleep without distractions."


people with no heart and no heart are most likely to live longer

according to a survey conducted by the China Geriatric Association, among the causes of longevity of centenarians, genetic factors account for 15%, social factors account for 10%, medical conditions account for 8%, climatic conditions account for 7%, and the remaining 60% depend on the elderly themselves.

the secret at the top of the list is mindset.

"heartless and heartless" is not a very good word for many people: carelessness, eating and sleeping; outspoken, never taking things to heart.

but do you know? In the eyes of experts, people who are "heartless" and live a rough life tend to live longer.

for modern people, annoyance is thought out, anger is compared, urgency is made, and illness is eaten.

A 94-year-old man, with beautiful hair and vigorous steps, looks like he is in his early sixties. Asked him the secret of longevity, what supplements to eat, what exercise to do, he smiled and said:

"I only have two words, called 'talking and laughing, heartless and heartless'."

"heartless" means to be open-minded and confused about trifles. "talking and laughing" refers to being optimistic and cheerful, not keeping things in mind.

there is a Western proverb, "Don't worry, don't get angry, don't use a sphygmomanometer". It can be seen that being narrow-minded and angry is a major psychological obstacle to longevity.

so you should be confused, chic and broad-minded.

people who are "heartless and heartless, talking and laughing" are very satisfied with the status quo, are content, have a relaxed life and have no major mood swings, so they are most likely to enter the ranks of "birthday stars".


Why can't you be an optimist?

relatively speaking, why can't you be an optimist?

Xiao Li, a national second-class psychological counselor, said that some people will have the psychology of injustice as a result of changes in treatment and social status.

in the view of Liu Jingping, director of the oncology department of Beijing Electric Power Hospital, many elderly people are most afraid of getting sick. They worry about a serious illness at the slightest headache and fever. They feel sad when they hear that their old neighbors have passed away. "ban" eggs when it comes to high cholesterol and reject all sweet fruits when it comes to high blood sugar.

however, many centenarians never avoid certain foods and look down on life and death. An optimistic attitude is most helpful to fight disease and cancer.

Sun Ruiying, a 100-year-old from Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, was diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer at the age of 50 and underwent a major operation at the age of 95. She was not relieved of her illness at all. She still ate morning tea, went to the flower and bird market and went to the vegetable market to chat with her old friends.

optimism can be acquired.

Yu Xiaonian, director of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine at the Aviation General Hospital of China Medical University, believes that optimism is a quality of longevity that can be acquired.

Nothing can stand to be compared with wedding dresses for tall brides. This is the part for the unique, as you.

"spend more time with optimistic people who like to laugh, positive emotions can be contagious."

in addition, exercise can make people lively and cheerful and increase the possibility of socializing. To remind yourself to stick to it, put a pair of sneakers at the door.

as for the negative situation due to illness, Xiao Li suggests that his family can help him to be optimistic like this:

1, provide him with cases cured by the same disease, and take him to share his rehabilitation experience with his friends;

2, take him for a physical examination regularly to avoid his wishful thinking about his condition;

3, let him talk more about his physical changes and feelings;

4, ask the patient to help him do something he can do.


Drug therapy is not as good as dietotherapy, and dietotherapy is not as good as heart therapy

this "heart therapy" prescription, please put it away!

"Drug therapy is not as good as dietotherapy, and dietotherapy is not as good as cardiotherapy". To a certain extent, no matter how good medicine is not as good as a reasonable diet, no matter how good a meal is, it is not as good as having a good mentality.

all kinds of bad emotions in our daily life can change our bodies.

for example, when angry, there will be symptoms such as pulse, heartbeat and rapid breathing; sadness will reduce the digestive juice secreted by the digestive glands and loss of appetite; fear and lying will make the central nervous system nervous and cause blood pressure to rise at any time.

how to maintain a good state of mind, let's take a look at this pair of "cardiotherapy" prescriptions written by experts for big families. It will be very rewarding!

smile, less than ten years

Research has proved that laughter can lower blood pressure; laugh for 1 minute can row for 10 minutes; laughter can also release stress and relieve depression;

laughter can stimulate the human body to secrete dopamine and make people feel happy. Middle-aged and elderly people should have more contact with people with a sense of humor, read more comedies and comics, and listen to crosstalk more.

talking more "nonsense" can prolong life

Health care doctors in the White House once prescribed a secret health recipe for Bush: speech therapy.

communicate with your family for at least 15 hours a week; couples communicate for at least two hours a day, including dinner or lunch.

make friends widely, not shy

the elderly alone for a long time will cause great social and psychological pressure, and may even cause endocrine disorder and immune function decline. Australian researchers have found that people with a wide circle of friends live an average of seven years longer.

so, even retired elderly people should not always stay at home, but should strive to expand their life circle, spend more time with old friends, and try to take the initiative to say hello to neighbors they have never met before.

to be tolerant of others is to be kind to yourself

it is always inevitable to suffer losses, misunderstandings and grievances in social communication. In the face of these, the wisest choice is to learn to be tolerant.

A person who is not tolerant and only asks too much of others can easily lead to nerve excitement, vasoconstriction and elevated blood pressure, making psychology and physiology enter a vicious circle.

to be indifferent to fame and wealth is to gain wealth

to be confused about small things and clear about big things.

if you worry about trifles all day, your heart will be very tired. When something happens, you might as well be chic and magnanimous, and maintain a pleasant mood and a sense of inner satisfaction, which is conducive to prolonging life.