No matter how far a woman is, she needs to read these 10 sentences.

No matter how far a woman is, she needs to read these 10 sentences.

Good morning, accompany you to read.

Rousseau once said, "the world is a woman's book."

where should I open this book? The world is full of twists and turns, how can we be safe all our lives?

there are some people who are busy all their lives and still can't understand one or two.

Our conservative prom dresses are made to unsettle even the casual looker. Buy now at prices that will amaze you!

remember the following 10 sentences, be a transparent woman, and master the key to a comfortable life.


Marriage is not the whole of life. To please yourself is

Aristotle said: "what one can exercise in this life should only be self-sufficient happiness." If you can't reach this state, your pain can never be saved. "

Marriage is a haven where we can stop, but no one knows whether the wind and rain will hit the next second.

everything in the world is variable, and no matter how good a marriage is, it cannot carry eternal happiness.

in the novel "get addicted to death", du Mei kept asking the dialect: "Why don't you love me as much as you used to?"

the dialect replied: "people always change."

in a world where even cling paper will be out of date, no one dares to promise you a lifetime of happiness.

floating life is a dream, waking up with all kinds of amorous feelings.

Marriage is the base of life, but it is by no means the purport of life. What is more important than marriage is ourselves.

have the ability to make yourself happy, have no fear of changing things, and the hearts of people are not old.

grievances cannot be perfected, and lifelong romance begins with pleasing yourself.


No matter what age, you must have your own safe haven

when you read the unbearable Light of Life, you can't understand why Thomas, who came from a rich family, only fell in love with Teresa, the hotel waiter.

looking at the world, I just know how to appreciate Teresa's loveliness and respect.

although Teresa loved Thomas, she never regarded him as the only one.

she has her own rich spiritual world and her own friends, which are Teresa's greatest wealth and spiritual support that she can rely on.

with money in the card, electricity on the mobile phone and gas in the car, we can be self-sufficient and wander around the world.

sleepy and tired, there is always a lamp left for you.

it is not only a home, but also a harbor where the body and mind can get rest and recuperation.

No matter what age you are, you should find a place like this for yourself: books, bosom friends, or a specialty that enriches your heart.

enrich your heart in the fleeting years and nourish a pure land in a world that lacks warmth.


A healthy life is better than all skin care

No matter how expensive cosmetics can not hide the tiredness and morbid weakness on your face.

the night spent, the wine drunk, and the bed spent lazily are all recorded in the body as the years go by.

Lin Qingxuan said: "all the appearances of this world do not exist independently, they must have its profound inner meaning."

the same is true of a woman's beauty, which can never be separated from health.

Health is the premise of beauty, and beauty is the presentation of health.

warm water at 8: 00 in the morning is better than a mask at 1: 00 in the morning; neon at 4: 00 in the morning is no more vibrant than the sun in the morning.

instead of staying up the last night and drinking the strongest wine, it is better to go to bed early and get up early and have a light meal.

early to bed and early to rise makes the skin better. Smoking and drinking not only injure the liver and kidney, but also age more easily.

there is a kind of beauty called vitality beauty, and there is a kind of beauty called health.


Don't let other people's eyes limit your life

I have seen a piece of news before.

A 34-year-old woman in Guangdong who set up a street stall selling fried powder was questioned because she was beautifully dressed: "is it hype to dress up so beautiful?"

the fan girl said with a smile: "living is dirty and tired, but I still want to dress myself up."

make your life the way you want it to be. Life is full of scenery.

David Crockett has a simple motto: "make sure you're right and move on."

after all, people in the world live for themselves, just like a play, the audience are all watching officials, how to understand the joys and sorrows of the people on the stage?

the curtain falls, watching the officials are wonderful, you will still step down and move on with your life.

just like in the first half of my Life, he Han once said to Luo Zijun, "Don't worry that they think you are bad, and don't care what others say. Why bother to please others and wronge yourself?"

listen to other people's gossip; comfort is important in your own life.

We will never be satisfied with everyone, so we might as well be satisfied with ourselves.


Beauty is given to you by your parents, while temperament is decided by your own

the founder of the famous makeup brand Yuxi said: "temperament and self-cultivation are not the monopoly of celebrities, it belongs to everyone."

before adulthood, looks are given by parents; after adulthood, they are repaired by themselves.

at the end of the 20th century, the plain-looking Gwyneth Paltrow entered Hollywood, and her elegance soon won the hearts of fans around the world.

the beauty emanating from temperament is eternal and the most attractive.

temperament is not inborn, only in the years of their own precipitation, practice can have.

when others are smug and immersed in the beauty of a short period of youth, dress yourself up with knowledge.

the nutrients in knowledge will make your waist straight and your eyes confident and firm.

in this way, even without the use of Fendai, it will be fascinating.


if you can't think of anything to drink, drink warm water

Eat vegetables

the biggest regret in life is only four words: I could have.

Don't wait until you lose your health to regret living in a wayward way.

No matter how good the body is, you can't stand years of consumption, and no matter how rich the food is, you can't eat and drink.

if you can't think of anything to drink, drink warm water; if you can't think of anything to eat, eat vegetables.

treat fruit as a snack and boiled water as a potion.

A broken house can be mended, a car broken can be repaired, and a broken body cannot be rebuilt.

the food you eat less and the passion you miss are not all regrets.

moderate temperance, continuous enjoyment, is better than passion, such as torrent, fleeting.

for a long time, choose what is good, and don't let "could have" become a lifelong regret.


the true grace is to smile when you get angry.

Wang Yangming said: "if the heart does not move, everything will be calm."

the woman who is calm is the most elegant.

No matter what happens, remember to remain calm and unmoved.

if a person defeats me, deceives me, humiliates me, laughs at me, avoids it, and does not argue with it.

nothing in the world is worth tearing open your wounds and competing with others for their strengths and weaknesses.

what floats on the surface is vanity, but what sinks is the truth.

time will always clear your name, and there will be judgments about right and wrong.

Don't let others see you misbehave and don't embarrass yourself with other people's mistakes.

ignoring is not cowardice and incompetence, but a broad heart.

if you have no resentment in your heart, you will have a comfortable life with a smile on your face.


Don't fight, don't snatch

it's yours that can't get away, and if it's not yours,

as the old saying goes, "if you take something, you have to give up. If you insist on taking something at the same time, you don't know what to give up, then nothing is desirable."

how many changes in life, good and bad often depend on each other, forcing too much is nothing more than asking for hardship.

what you can't get, don't force it. It's not yours. You won't come after all.

there are all kinds of tastes in the world, each has its own advantages, so why not drink it alone?

before the famous dramatist Liao Yimei became famous, Liao Yimei and her husband promised their sponsors that if the "falling in love rhino" didn't make money, they would "sell" themselves to each other to write plays to pay off their debts.

at that time, no one thought that Liao Yimei became popular from then on, and her script was no longer short of money to perform.

things have changed, and someone asked her whether she had really "sold" herself if she had not been popular that year.

Liao Yimei said: "that's not bad."

it is a process worth cherishing for her, no matter whether she is in the spotlight or becomes a courtier.

sometimes you have to have it in your life, but don't force it all the time.

Wise men amuse themselves, while fools worry about gain and loss.

what is worth cherishing will never leave you, and what you can't stay will never belong to you.


read more and be a woman with fragrance in the soul

Huang Tingjian, a famous calligrapher in the Northern Song Dynasty, once said, "if one does not read, one day is vulgar, the second day is disgusting in the mirror, and the third day is tasteless to others."

elegant and intelligent women need books to enrich themselves.

Books are the best accessories for women, keeping you away from the hassle and hustle and bustle of the world.

Books are good friends called by women to cultivate virtue and refuse vulgarity.

Reading history makes one wise, reading poetry makes one wise, and women who accompany books have insight into the world.

the famous writer Bi Shumin experienced a very hard and poor life in her early years.

at that time, she was very happy with books day and night, even if she read under the oil lamp at night.

just as Bi Shumin said, "the happiness of most of my life adds up to one place, which is not worth the happiness I get in the book."

Don't worry about reading more, live your life into a poem, and your life will be as beautiful as prose.


Life has its ups and downs. Don't lose anything.

when I read Yan Geling's autobiography in her early years, I was touched by her emotional experience.

Yan Geling joined the art troupe at the age of 12 and then fell in love with a man who was older than her.

that man betrayed her, almost ruining her reputation.

at the lowest point of her life, she settled down to write articles and take up the burden of supporting her family.

it was a suffering, but it provided a platform for her to take off.

We cannot ask everyone to treat each other sincerely, nor can we expect everything to be perfect.

writer Su Qin once said: "those who can avoid all kinds of poison are riddled with holes, and those who are not surprised by honor or disgrace have experienced great ups and downs."

all difficulties in the world are life mentors who come to teach us how to grow up.

Don't be discouraged even if you are frustrated. Take good care of your mood even if the world is bad for you.

looking back on the bleak place, there is no wind and rain, no sunshine, light gains and losses, all kinds of freedom.

A woman's life can be insipid or extraordinary, just live it seriously.

if the years are unfair to you, please love yourself a little more; if life goes well, please leave one more lamp for yourself to warm the years.