The bone-deep upbringing is hidden in these 28 details.

The bone-deep upbringing is hidden in these 28 details.

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

what is upbringing?

see a very reasonable sentence: "True upbringing is not to look out, but to look in." If you have a demand for yourself, you will imperceptibly influence it into the principle of being a man and doing things. "

We are often used to using our usual knowledge to judge others one-sidedly.

but in the final analysis, upbringing should be about making demands on yourself before others.

put it into everyone's life, nothing more than see the real chapter in the details.


Don't shake your hands casually after washing your hands. It is impolite to splash water on others.

you can prepare a small bag to hold umbrellas in advance on rainy days. Be sure to look around and shake when there is no one.

when driving, take the initiative to slow down where there is a puddle and drive slowly.

there is a kind of upbringing called

to promote social morality.


the office does not make loud phone calls during lunch break, and videos and music are not played in public places.

there is an upbringing called

not to disturb others.


ask friends to help, like, vote. Be sure to say thank you, if you can send a small red packet to express your gratitude.

there is a kind of upbringing called

to actively thank others for troubling others.


even if you are right, you don't have to prove others wrong.

there is an upbringing called

not imposing one's own values and personal habits on others.


when you have a daughter, your son-in-law wakes her up after cooking breakfast every day, and you show off that she is well married.

when you have a daughter-in-law, your son wakes her up after cooking breakfast every day, and you dislike her for being gluttonous and lazy.

when you are an employee, you think your boss is too strict, harsh and overwhelmed.

when you are the boss, you feel that your employees are inefficient, poor in execution, and unworthy of reuse.

Are you currently busy looking for two piece prom dresses to bring out your femininity? Let them shower you with a display of exquisite taste.

there is a kind of upbringing called

heart to heart and consideration for others.


stand up, stand up straight; sit down, don't shake your legs.

there is an upbringing called



when taking subway, bus and other public transport, you do not rely on the railing or occupy multiple seats, and be careful whether your body or objects will squeeze the space next to you.

there is a kind of upbringing called

mutual understanding and comfort.


it's really great to be able to control yourself from losing your temper on others.

there is a kind of upbringing called

with a pleasant face.


Don't get to the bottom of what the other person doesn't want to say, let alone mention it in public.

there is a kind of upbringing called

learn to protect the self-esteem and dignity of others.


at the door of the supermarket, many people skipped the aunts who took their temperature and went straight in, at a loss.

my friend took a look and took the initiative to pass his hand over for inspection.

there is a kind of upbringing called

to rescue others with their own actions.