The reason why a person is irritable to his relatives and kind to outsiders is.

The reason why a person is irritable to his relatives and kind to outsiders is.

Good morning, accompany you to read.

most people do this in life.

be polite in front of outsiders,

lose their temper in front of relatives.

give the best to outsiders, and

leave the worst to the family.

is actually angry with relatives.

is not intentional.

is also a habit.

because they are the closest people,

they will not argue with themselves,

they will not leave themselves,

so they dare to get angry and angry.

A person is grumpy to his relatives and kind to outsiders.

the reason for this is heart-wrenching.


because some people dote on

, so unscrupulous

outsiders will not be patient with us.

outsiders don't care about us.

when outsiders get angry, not only will they not be tolerated, but

will also offend people and form grudges.

but relatives are different.

relatives love us and love us,

take it out on them, get angry with them,

will be forgiven and understood.

because they are spoiled, they are unscrupulous.

because they are taken care of, they dare to get angry.


people who kiss again

will also be disappointed

relatives love us the most,

is the truest and best for us,

is our backer,

should not be our punching bag.

our cold words, an anger,

will easily hurt them.

We should understand and respect our loved ones.

once they have accumulated enough disappointment, their hearts will be cold.

only by being kind and tolerant to your relatives can the family be happy and happy.


the most difficult upbringing

is the most difficult for a person to be kind to his family.

is not to show filial piety to his parents and be kind to his family, but to be kind to his family all the time.

No matter what happens,

can control his temper,

don't yell at his family, don't be picky.

discuss things with your family.

think about everything for your family.

leave a good temper at home.

the family can be full of laughter and laughter.

leave a good attitude to the family, and

the family can always be harmonious and warm.


those who allow you

must cherish

the person whose family is the best to us, and

is also the one who tolerates us the most.

when you get along with your family,

think of others and understand your family;

think of your family.

remember the benefits of the family, forget the shortcomings of the family,

talk more about love and less reason, don't worry about less fighting,  cherish the feelings with the family,  the family will be complete and get along comfortably.

family members get along with us day and day, and

family members stay with us for the longest time.

being angry with relatives and angry with family members,

will only make them feel cold and hurt, and

affect their relationship and consume strong feelings.

apply politeness and patience to outsiders to relatives.

be less angry and more tolerant;

if you don't get angry and make more concessions, the

family will become more and more harmonious, and

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