Understand oneself thoroughly (a good article that is rare)

Understand oneself thoroughly (a good article that is rare)

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates left many sayings, one of which is my favorite: "know yourself." This is also one of Socrates' favorite words.

he also said a famous saying: an unexamined life is not worth living.

thousands of years have passed, and these words still have profound educational significance to us today.

the so-called understanding of yourself, that is, to understand yourself, to correctly understand yourself, to know not only your own strengths, but also your own shortcomings.

once people understand themselves, many seemingly difficult and annoying things will be easily solved.


realize solitude

although man is a social animal, solitude is also indispensable.

Schopenhauer once said:

"only when a person is alone can he be himself completely."

anyone who doesn't love being alone doesn't love freedom, because only when he is alone is he free. "

I think so.

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only when we are alone can we better calm down, think about what we want, think about what we want, do what we want, and really know ourselves.

that's why the better a person is, the more he likes to be alone, but you don't feel lonely at all.

when you gradually begin to enjoy your time alone, you will understand that being alone is not a loner, a loner, or an escape from reality.

it's an ability, an ability that allows you to concentrate and think hard. Many great ideas come into being when you are alone.

but a state, when your heart becomes quieter and quieter, many secular troubles will be looked down upon, and you will be able to better enjoy the happiness of the moment. -- be neither arrogant nor impetuous, and be at ease with the situation.



now there is a popular saying: there is no trouble, it cannot be solved by a barbecue.

and Uncle Fan said: there is no contradiction. You can't sit down. Two people can change their positions and think about what cannot be solved.

in life, there are many things that you are right and I am wrong, but with different angles and positions, we have different views on things.

you are a customer and think the merchant is too profiteering; you are a businessman, and you think the customer is too picky.

when you drive, you want pedestrians to obey the rules; when you walk, you want the owner to be courteous.

when you work, you feel that your boss is impersonal; when you are a boss, you feel that your employees are not active.

sometimes, as long as a little consideration for others, mutual understanding, a lot of conflicts can be reduced to minor matters, why not?

A lifetime, an instant. If each other can be a little more considerate of others, heart to heart, it will be more understanding and tolerance, more happiness and harvest.


realize responsibility

what is responsibility?

responsibility is a kind of ability, which is far better than ability, and responsibility is not only a kind of spirit, but also a kind of character. We have all met people who are always afraid of taking responsibility when they encounter a little thing, or shift the responsibility to others when they have made a mistake.

such people are all called "irresponsible" people. As a person in a real sense, the fundamental sign is that he can bear the responsibility entrusted to him by life. A strict life must be a life of responsibility, and it is precisely because life bears responsibility that life appears noble.

people should be responsible for themselves first. Only when you are responsible to yourself can you be responsible to others. A person who is responsible for himself, his life must be positive, cherish only one life, cherish the time that can not be wasted, and strive to become a better person.

secondly, be responsible to the family. We have played roles in the family since we were born. A person who is responsible for his family must be filial to his parents and respect his spouse and children. He will not only think about himself, but is willing to give his light and heat in order to make the family more harmonious and happier. Finally, we should be responsible to the society. We are all members of society, and only with social progress can we have happiness and well-being.

shoulder your own responsibility, even if it is small, it will still be respected and loved by people.


understand the state of mind

Dickens said: a sound state of mind is more powerful than a hundred kinds of wisdom.

this is true. If you have the right state of mind, life will be much smoother.

as the saying goes: things change with the heart, circumstances are created by the mind, and troubles are created by the heart.

most of the pain in life comes from having a hard time with yourself.

Bai Luomei said:

A game of chess in life, there is nothing we can do about winning or losing. When you are lost, you are mostly in the bureau, and when you realize it, the person is already outside the bureau.

if you look at everything in the mortal world with peace of mind, it is simple and clear. If you look at the world with a complex state of mind, you will be fascinated by the world.

everything is relative, good or bad, depending on what you think and how you treat it.

We can't change others, at least we can change ourselves. very often, if we think about it from another angle, we will find that the willow and the flowers are clean.

when we understand this, no matter how big it is, it becomes a small thing, and we just move our fingers and bounce it away.

on the journey of life, we are always busy meeting all kinds of people, but the most valuable encounter is to meet ourselves again in a moment.

at that moment you will understand that traveling all over the world is just to find a way back to your heart.